Lauren is a compassionate, gifted yoga teacher. She had a gentle way that has helped me to open up physically and emotionally. She has been my teacher in one-on-one practice, in a traditional class and as a teacher trainer. Her vast knowledge and effective approach have been invaluable to my development. Lara H.

I am so grateful that I met Lauren very early in my yoga "career". After practicing in just a few of her classes I knew she was the real deal and I signed up for a series of privates. Her combination of great compassion and vast wisdom make her an excellent teacher. Her open heart and witty sense of humor are evident in every class, private or not, in the studio or on retreat in Belize. I often ask myself, "how did she know" after she has just shared some nougat of information whether it be alignment cue or a personal experience that resonates loud and clear. Lois H.
